They think it’s all over… It is for the time being!

Euro 2008 is over, pre season transfers have begun in earnest, and as the footballing brains of Europe settle down to the domestic season, and the distant thoughts of qualifying for World Cup 2010, it is with some reluctance we leave behind the fervour of the last few weeks. We’ve seen some magnificent football, skills that would befit any of the world’s great stages, and some truly breathtaking solo performances.

One can only relent that the fluid, free-flowing football of the Dutch was cut short in the Quarter Finals, but who could deny the plucky Russians their dues. Turkey summed up the spirit of do-or-die heroic comebacks, and Spain led from first to last with a sublime team of precociously talented individuals.

It’s been hectic, but on behalf of myself and Tom, I can thoroughly say we’ve enjoyed every minute of this tournament. We’d like to thank you all for getting involved with us over the last few weeks. From the casual reader email, to the comment hungry amongst you, those who have posted about us, or simply downloaded the wall-chart – thanks!

And for anyone pining for an excellent way to fill the next few weeks before the domestic season kicks off again, why not get involved in Ole Ole’s exciting new development. Starting the week of 21 July, their Fantasy Football game features 6 different leagues including an exclusive European Super League that combines all the top European leagues in one game so you can pick players from any of the top clubs in Europe and put them in a single team. Fans have the opportunity to manage a team of players from the 2008/09 Bundesliga, English Premier League, La Liga, Ligue 1 and Serie A.

Awesome – oh and it’s free, it’s fun, and it’s competitive (with prizes to be won)… So sign up now, and we’ll see you soon.